Automated Testing

More tests, less stress

The benefits of an incremental Agile approach can be quickly eroded because it can become very challenging to maintain the coverage and frequency of your team’s testing regime. Incurring a “testing debt” can lead to downstream delays and a higher risk of a public failure on launch day. 

We can help you to augment your manual testing with automated unit, regression, and performance testing processes and tools.

  • Be confident in your testing protocols

  • Avoid incurring “testing debt” 

  • Lessen your launch day anxiety

Why it matters

Prevents falling behind on testing when using Agile development:

  • We can help your team avoid incurring a “testing debt” while building complex systems iteratively by making an investment in automated test scripts to test each build thoroughly. 

Greatly reduces or eliminate the likelihood of introducing bugs into your “clean” core build:

  • Integrating automated tests as part of the development pipeline will increase overall code quality by helping to ensure that no new bugs are introduced to the “checked in” code base during the development cycle. 

Allows you to focus your business client and your team on high-value exploratory testing:

  • Because routine, repetitive tests are automated and video evidence is available, your clients and testing team can spend their time conducting high-value exploratory testing. 

Significantly reduces the time for input validation testing:

  • Invest in automation so that your team can quickly and frequently test the many combinations and permutations to verify input validation rules. This will be critical if the rules are complex or if there are many fields and/or forms to test. 

Greatly reduces or eliminates the possibility of a “crash under load” on launch day:

  • Avoid the risk of a costly and embarrassing public failure on launch-day by establishing system performance benchmarking and then conducting performance testing during the development and testing phases. Optimize the code and system configuration to meet or exceed the desired system response times for specific concurrent user target levels before rather than after launch day. 

Our partnership with Subject7

We work closely with the Subject7 team to leverage their toolset in our design and build processes.